Monday, July 11, 2005

Tom Arnold's My Grandpa.. AHHHHHH!!!!

I was fishing in a boat with Tom Arnold who in the dream is my grandfather. Even though we have a boat, we're fishing along the bank. I keep catching these monster fish, one was a huge catfish that weighed about 100 pounds, a bass the same size!!!!, a 4-ft shark, and for some reason I also kept this tiny bass the size of my hand. We finally took the boat out away from the bank, I set my hook in what turns out to be an enormous whale. He takes off jerking me out of the boat. I'm flying through the air holding on to my grandpas fishing pole for dear life. I'm bobbing in and out of the water and he dives deep which makes me let go of the pole.

I start swimming back to the boat and the whale, as if taunting me, swims up next to me. I'm reaching my hand into his mouth trying to get the pole back, because I know my grandpa was gonna kick my ass if I lost his pole. I wasn't able to reach it. I get to the boat and he gets me back in and says it's 6pm, time to go. I'm not happy about this, as I'm having the greatest day of fishing ever. I'm begging him to let me stay with the boat and for some reason I grab his arm and take a good bite, causing him to almost crash in to some rocks, NOT helping my case to stay at all. All of a sudden this hot asian girl comes up on the deck, she says she wants to stay and fish with me. Finally my grandpa (Tom Arnold) relents, being a man he can't help it at this point. Unfortunately, I woke up before it could get freaky deaky! :(

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