Friday, April 08, 2005

Chasing semis

Well, I have been dreaming, but seems I've spent too many nights on the town lately, so when I wake up, I'm hungover and the dreams are a bit foggy.

Last night I had a dream I was back home in Tennessee at my grandmother's house sitting on the front porch. All the grandkids and were playing in the yard. It started raining and a flood came that basically turned the road into a river. This semi came around the corner and drove off the road and started driving in the ditch along side the road, that for some reason didn't really have that much water in it. There were a couple of kids in the ditch, I had just yelled at them all to get out of the ditch, but there were a couple still in there playing in the water. The semi tried to stop, but ended up rolling his wheel on top of one of them, so I ran in the house and grabbed a phone to call 911 and yelled out to all the other adults that someone just got run over. All I could think was please don't let it be my son, thankfully it wasn't. But by the time I got back outside the semi had backed up and was about to drive off. A quick check showed the kid was hurt pretty bad, but was going to make it. So, I jumped on a motorcycle and chased after the semi. Insert here semi chase scene from the Matrix Revolutions movie. :)

Then I had another dream about being in Greece again and drinking WAY too much for 3 days straight and was on the plane with a friend and we were being obnoxious on the plane. Can't remember too many details of this one, and the semi dream was really long and more involved, but the other details have faded....

Until the next dream... Take care!